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Parades, Processions, and Sound Trucks

For the ordinance regarding Parades, Processions, and Sound Trucks (Ordinance 39.00) go to

Permits to conduct parades or processions are obtained by individual registered students and registered student organizations according to the following all-University policy:

a. Permission to conduct parades and processions must be secured in the following order: 1) president of ASMSU; 2) Department of Student Life; 3) MSU Police. (Forms for this permission can be obtained in the Student Life Office, 101 Student Services Building.)

b. If any portion of the route involves travel on an East Lansing street, permission must also be secured from the East Lansing Police Department.

c. The person applying for the permission to conduct a parade or procession will be held responsible for proper conduct of those persons participating in the event.

d. There shall be no more than 12 vehicles in the procession and they shall not stop along the route except as necessary to comply with traffic laws. Drivers of the vehicles will be held responsible for compliance with the current motor vehicle regulations and traffic ordinances.

e. Noise-making equipment shall be operated only when the parade or procession is moving.

f. Parades and processions may be held on weekdays only between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Student Group Regulations, Administrative Rulings, All-University Policies, and Selected Ordinances