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Identification Cards

(Administrative Ruling)

1. Each student of Michigan State University is issued an ID card following initial enrollment.

2. The ID card is the property of Michigan State University.

3. The falsification, alteration, or unauthorized transference (loaning) of said ID cards or any other University records or documents may be a violation of General Student Regulation 5.00.

4. In case of violation of any rule or regulation of the University or of any local, state, or federal ordinances or laws, students shall, upon demand, surrender said ID cards to the appropriate University authorities charged with the conduct of student affairs or to a member of the Michigan State University Police Department.

  • Vice President for Student Affairs and Services
(See also: General Student Regulation 5.07.)

More About ID Cards

Library privileges, access to university buildings, access to residence halls and apartments including living wings, facilities and classrooms, and purchase of tickets and entry into athletic and entertainment events may require the possession and presentation of the ID card upon request. The card is also used for meal plans and Spartan Cash. The ID card is not transferable for use by another person. You are responsible for all use of your ID card whether authorized or unauthorized. Do not loan your ID card or leave it where it might be used by an unauthorized person. If you lose your ID card, report it lost immediately 24/7 at

Your first ID card is issued to you at no cost. Replacement cards are $20.

The ID Office is located in 170 International Center. A government issued photo ID such as a driver’s license, state ID or passport is needed to obtain your ID including replacement IDs.

Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:45 p.m. For more information, you can call (517) 355-4500 or send an email to

Spouses of registered students may obtain IDs entitling them to certain privileges. The student and spouse must appear together in person in 170 International Center and present the student’s MSU ID card, the spouse’s government issued photo ID such as a driver’s license, state ID or passport, and proof of marriage. There is no charge for the initial basic ID. Replacement cards are $5-$10 depending upon the card type.

Student Group Regulations, Administrative Rulings, All-University Policies, and Selected Ordinances