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General Student Regulations



General student regulations shall be those regulations established within the University community (students, trustees, administrators, faculty, and staff) to secure the safety of members of the University community and University facilities, maintain order, and ensure the successful operation of the institution. Such regulations shall apply to all students regardless of class level, place of residence, or group affiliation as well as to all governing bodies, governing groups, living groups, and registered student organizations (Article 8, Section I.A Student Rights and Responsibilities document).

The regulations apply to students and student groups while on the land governed by the Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, when students or student groups are engaged in University-sponsored or student group-sponsored (student governing groups and registered student organizations) activities off campus, or when the conduct of a student poses a clear and present danger to the health or safety of person or property.

*The regulations relating to protection of individuals apply without reference to where the activity occurs when the alleged misconduct involves hazing or acts causing or explicitly threatening to cause serious bodily harm to other individuals.

The regulations relating to scholarship and grades, University functions and services, and University property apply without reference to where the activity occurs. Because technology is constantly changing teaching, learning, and administrative processes, it is understood that the general principles that govern these regulations should be extended to apply to new and unanticipated situations.

The University adjudicates alleged violations of these regulations only after its Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Office receives a formal complaint. Any member of the University community may file a complaint involving the alleged violation of these regulations by a student or student group. The University through its internal judicial system shall maintain jurisdiction over these regulations and conduct hearings in accordance with established University procedures. In the application of the regulations, it is intended that one be held accountable for conduct that fails to meet the standard of what a reasonable and prudent person would or would not have done under similar circumstances.1

* Effective January 1, 2018


The principles of truth and honesty are fundamental to the educational process and the academic integrity of the University; therefore, no student shall:

1.01 claim or submit the academic work of another as one’s own.

1.02 procure, provide, accept or use any materials containing questions or answers to any examination or assignment without proper authorization.

1.03 complete or attempt to complete any assignment or examination for another individual without proper authorization.

1.04 allow any examination or assignment to be completed for oneself, in part or in total, by another without proper authorization.

1.05 alter, tamper with, appropriate, destroy or otherwise interfere with the research, resources, or other academic work of another person.

1.06 fabricate or falsify data or results.

(See also: Integrity of Scholarship and Grades.)


Physical security and an environment free of harassment are necessary for individuals if they are to successfully pursue their educational endeavors and fulfill responsibilities; therefore, no student shall:

2.01 cause or threaten physical harm to another or endanger the physical safety of another.

2.02 engage in sexual misconduct as defined by University policy.2

2.03 engage in domestic violence or dating violence as defined by University policy.

2.04 continuously or persistently intimidate another individual so as to coerce that individual into some action or avoidance of action.

2.05 engage in repeated, unwanted verbal or written communication or personal contact with another individual, including stalking or bullying.3

2.06 harass any other individual in violation of the Anti-Discrimination Policy.

2.07 engage in hazing.

2.08 possess or use any firearms, explosive materials, incendiary device or other dangerous objects or substance without proper University authorization.

2.09 obstruct or disrupt the activities of another individual as protected by law, ordinance, regulation, or policy.

2.10 enter or remain in another individual’s place of residence or work without permission of that individual or without proper authorization.

2.11 possess or use any drug prohibited by federal or state laws.

2.12 manufacture, produce, sell, exchange, or otherwise distribute any drug prohibited by federal or state laws.

2.13 possess or use any alcoholic beverages, except as permitted by state law, University policy, and University ordinance.

2.14 manufacture, produce, sell, furnish, exchange or otherwise distribute any alcoholic beverages except as permitted by state law, University policy, and University ordinance.

(See also: Alcoholic Beverages; Anti-Discrimination Policy; Disorderly Assemblages or Conduct; Distribution of Literature; Facilities and Services; University Housing Regulations; Residence Hall Room Entry Policy; and Safety.)


The functions of student groups serve to extend and provide support for the learning environment; therefore, no student shall:

3.01 obstruct or disrupt the activities or functions of a group as protected by law, ordinance, regulation, or policy.

3.02 continuously or persistently intimidate a group so as to coerce that group into some action or avoidance of action.

3.03 provide false information to a group for the purpose of gaining membership, service, or privilege.

3.04 represent a group falsely or use the resources of a group without proper authorization.

(See also: All-University Events and Activities; Anti-Discrimination Policy; Campaigning, Canvassing and Petition Drives; Disorderly Assemblages or Conduct; Distribution of Literature; Facilities and Services; Non-Disciplinary Judicial Process; University Housing Regulations; and Safety.)


It is important that the property of individuals, student groups, and the University be protected if the University and the members of the academic community are to engage in their activities and to effectively discharge their responsibilities; therefore, no student shall:

4.01 damage, deface, or destroy the property of another person or the University.

4.02 tamper with or misuse University fire or safety equipment, including, but not necessarily limited to, fire extinguishers, fire hoses, and alarm systems.

4.03 copy, take, or use the property of another without proper authorization.

4.04 remove property or goods from their assigned place without proper authorization or accept or convey property or goods which have been procured without proper authorization.

4.05 use any University facility, equipment, or materials except for their authorized purposes.

4.06 procure, alter, damage, remove, manufacture, or use, any University key card, lock, password, or other security device without proper authorization.

4.07 without proper authorization enter or remain in any University building or on University property.

4.08 place posters, signs, or handbills except on one’s own personal property or in areas authorized by the University.

4.09 sell or otherwise commercialize intellectual property of the instructor or University-provided class materials (e.g., notes, homework, tests) without the written consent of the instructor.

(See also: Bicycles-Illegal Taking of; Closing Hours; Distribution of Literature; Facilities and Services; Plant Materials; University Housing Regulations; Residence Hall Room Entry; Signs.)


Functions, services, and processes of the University must be protected if the institution is to be effective in discharging its responsibilities; therefore, no student shall:

5.01 knowingly provide false information to any office, agency, or individual acting on behalf of the University.

5.02 obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with the functions, services, or directives of the University, its offices, or its employees (e.g., classes, social, cultural, and athletic events, computing services, registration, housing and food services, governance meetings, and hearings).

5.03 alter or forge any University document and/or record, including identification materials, issued or used by the University.

5.04 allow any University equipment, document and/or record, including identification materials, issued by the University for one’s own use to be used by another.

5.05 use any University equipment document and/or record for other than its authorized purpose, including identification materials issued to another.

5.06 act or represent oneself as an agent of the University (including the ability to provide University services) unless authorized to do so.

5.07 fail to properly identify oneself or present University-issued identification when requested to do so by a non-law enforcement University employee acting in the performance of assigned job responsibilities or who has a reasonable suspicion that the student may be involved in the violation of a University policy or regulation.

5.08 sell or make contracts for purchase or delivery of any commercial merchandise or services for personal profit or gain, or solicit voluntary contributions for organizations, without proper authorization.

5.09 violate other University policies or regulations, including University housing policies.

(See also: Campus Bus Policy; Disorderly Assemblages or Conduct; Distribution of Literature; Facilities and Services; Housing Policy; Non-Disciplinary Judicial Process; Records; University Housing Regulations; and Student Identification Cards.)


Original Document:

  • University Committee on Student Affairs, February 19, 1988
  • Academic Council, January 17, 1989
  • President, to become effective September 1, 1989

  • University Committee on Student Affairs, February 13, 2015
  • University Council, March 24, 2015
  • President, to become effective May 18, 2015
  • University Committee on Student Affairs, April 21, 2017 and October 20, 2017
  • University Council, November 28, 2017
  • President, to become effective January 1, 2018

For the purposes of these General Student Regulations, the following definitions will apply:

Bullying:  An intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act, or a series of acts, directed at another person that is severe, persistent, or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following:
  • Substantially interfering with a student’s education;
  • Creating a threatening environment; or
  • Substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the University.
Hazing:  Requiring or encouraging any act, whether or not the act is voluntarily agreed upon, in conjunction with initiation, affiliation with, continued membership, or participation in any group that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm or humiliation.

Intellectual Property:  Any work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript or design, and can be protected by statute of legislation, such as patent or copyright. It includes inventions, discoveries, know-how, show-how, processes, unique materials, copyrightable works, original data, and other creative or artistic works. IP also includes the physical embodiment of intellectual efforts (e.g., models, machines, devices, apparatus, instrumentation, circuits, computer programs and visualizations, biological materials, chemicals, and other compositions of matter, plans, and records of research).  See

University document:  A document created by a unit of the University, regardless of its form or medium, for the administration, operation, or governance of the University or a unit of the University.

¹These regulations shall not be interpreted to abridge First Amendment rights and the protections of the First Amendment must be carefully considered in any student conduct complaint involving speech or expressive conduct.

2Definitions of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking are included in the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

3Definitions of hazing and bullying are included in Appendix A.