Article 8: Regulations, Policies, and Rulings
The University community’s expectations for student and group conduct which hold the potential for disciplinary action shall be promulgated as General Student Regulations, Student Group Regulations, Living Group Regulations, and All-University Policies as defined herein. Administrative decisions which mediate the flow of services and privileges in the operation of the University are Administrative Rulings. All regulations, policies, and rulings promulgated by the University shall be consistent with this document.
I. General Student Regulations
A. General Student Regulations shall be those regulations established within the University community to secure the safety of members of the University community and University facilities, maintain order, and ensure the successful operation of the institution. Such regulations shall apply to all students, regardless of class level, place of residence, or group affiliation, as well as to all governing bodies, governing groups, living groups, and registered student organizations.
B. Any governing body, governing group, living group, or registered student organization or any individual member of the University community may propose amendments to the General Student Regulations by submitting that proposal to the UCSA. The UCSA may also propose amendments to the General Student Regulations.
C. Proposals submitted to the UCSA may be approved or rejected. If rejected, the UCSA shall forward a written explanation to the initiator of the proposal. The explanation may include suggestions for modification of the proposal. If approved, the UCSA shall forward the proposal to the University Council.
D. The University Council may approve or reject the proposal. If the University Council rejects the proposal, a written explanation of the rejection shall be forwarded to the UCSA. The written explanation may include suggestions for modification of the proposal. If the proposal is approved, the University Council shall forward the proposal to the President.
E. The President may approve or reject the proposal. If the President rejects the proposal, a written explanation of the rejection shall be forwarded to the UCSA. The written explanation may include suggestions for modification of the proposal. If the proposal is approved, the amendment shall take effect upon its approval by the President.
II. Student Group Regulations
A. Student Group Regulations shall be those regulations established within the University community to govern the conduct of the constituent members of a governing body or a governing group and the activities of living groups and registered student organizations under a governing body or governing group’s jurisdiction. Such Regulations shall apply only to the students, bodies, groups, and organizations specified by the Regulations.
B. Any constituent member of a governing body or governing group or any living group or registered student organization under its jurisdiction may propose amendments to the Student Group Regulations by submitting that proposal to the governing body or group with the appropriate legislative authority. A governing body or governing group may also propose amendments to the General Student Regulations.
C. Proposals submitted to the appropriate student governing body (ASMSU or COGS) may be approved or rejected. If rejected, the student governing body shall forward a written explanation to the initiator of the proposal. The explanation may include suggestions for modification of the proposal. If approved, the student governing body shall forward the proposal to the UCSA.
D. The UCSA may approve or reject the proposal. If rejected, the University Committee on Student Affairs shall forward a written explanation to the appropriate student governing body (ASMSU or COGS). The explanation may include suggestions for modification of the proposal. If approved, the proposal shall be forwarded to the Vice President.
E. The Vice President may approve or reject the proposal. If the Vice President rejects the proposal, a written explanation of the rejection shall be forwarded to the UCSA. The explanation may include suggestions for modification of the proposal. If the proposal is approved, the amendment shall take effect upon its approval by the Vice President.
III. Living Group Regulations
A. Living Group Regulations shall be those regulations established within the University community to govern the conduct of residents and other students who are visitors and guests while within the building or buildings defining the living group. Such Regulations shall apply to all students regardless of class level, place of residence, or group affiliation.
B. Any constituent member of a living group may propose amendments to that group’s Living Group Regulations by submitting such proposals to the living group with appropriate legislative authority. Living groups may also propose amendments to their own Living Group Regulations.
C. Proposals submitted to the living group may be approved or rejected. If rejected, the living group shall forward a written explanation to the initiator of the proposal. The explanation may include suggestions for modification of the proposal. If approved, the living group shall forward the proposal to the appropriate student governing body.
D. The student governing body may approve or reject the proposal. If rejected, the student governing body shall forward a written explanation to the initiator of the proposal. If approved, the student governing body shall forward the proposal to the UCSA.
E. The UCSA may approve or reject the proposal. If rejected, the UCSA shall forward a written explanation to the appropriate student governing body. The explanation may include suggestions for modification of the proposal. If approved, the proposal shall be forwarded to the Vice President.
F. The Vice President may approve or reject the proposal. If the Vice President rejects the proposal, a written explanation of the rejection shall be forwarded to the UCSA. The explanation may include suggestions for modification of the proposal. If the proposal is approved, the amendment shall take effect upon its approval by the Vice President.
IV. All-University Policies
A. All-University Policies shall be policies established within the University community to define and prescribe broad areas of institutional concern. Such policies shall apply to the individuals, groups, and organizations specified by the policies.
B. All-University Policies are established by the Board of Trustees, usually following University-wide discussion and endorsement or as the result of a recommendation by an administrative unit or committee. It is the expectation that the appropriate academic governance bodies will be provided with an opportunity to review and provide input on such Policies as part of the approval process. All-University Policies may also be initiated and enacted by the Board itself.
V. Administrative Rulings
A. Administrative Rulings shall be those policies, procedures, and practices established to implement the functions of the University’s various administrative units. Such Rulings shall apply to the individuals, groups, and organizations specified by the Rulings. The various administrative units are delegated authority, by the Board of Trustees through the President, to establish Administrative Rulings.
B. The process by which Administrative Rulings are developed shall be consistent with the legislative and advisory duties and prerogatives of the relevant academic governance bodies. The process shall reflect concern for student input when the substance of a ruling affects students.
C. When a student is alleged to be noncompliant with an Administrative Ruling that may result in disciplinary action under Article 5 of this document, the relevant unit administrator shall invite the student to a meeting to allow the student an opportunity to clarify the situation.
1. The administrator shall determine whether the alleged noncompliance may violate a General Student Regulation, Student Group Regulation, or Living Group Regulation, or an All-University Policy. If so, the administrator may refer the student for disciplinary action under Article 5 of this document.
2. The administrator shall assess the situation and decide whether any interim or temporary non-disciplinary actions must be taken during the pendency of his/her investigation (if applicable) or to prevent similar acts from occurring. The administrator may not impose disciplinary sanctions against a student without going through the judicial process described in Article 5 of this document.
3. The administrator shall notify the student, in writing, of any non-disciplinary action taken; the rationale for the action, and whether the Administrative Ruling provides any avenue of appeal of the decision. The student may challenge the Administrative Ruling itself pursuant to Article 5, Section II of this document.