All vehicles, including mopeds, motorcycles and bicycles, operated or parked on MSU property by a MSU student, must be registered with the MSU Parking Office and bear a current and valid permit in accordance with the Student Parking and Driving Regulations.
All students, except those with fewer than 28 MSU accepted credits who are residing in residence halls are eligible to register a vehicle on campus. An exception may be made after a special parking application and requested information has been submitted, reviewed by the Parking Office, and approval granted.
Undergraduate and graduate students (including graduate assistants) commuting from off-campus (commuters) or residing in residence halls or University Apartments, need to register online via the website: Those not mentioned above or who have questions regarding online registration may contact the Parking Office at (517) 355-8440 to inquire about obtaining a parking permit. Permits are sold online at
The following must be validated:
1. Current state-issued vehicle registration
2. MSU Student ID (Spartan Card)
3. Proof of credits MSU has finalized
4. University housing verification
5. For those who are graduate assistants, proof of a graduate assistant appointment
6. Payment for the permit (VISA, MC, DISC and AMEX)
Illegally parked vehicles are subject to violations and may be towed. In accordance with state law, the registered owner will be held responsible for the fines incurred. The student registering a vehicle shall be responsible for its operation. All parking violations must be paid or appealed within seven (7) days from the date of issuance.